Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 2015

 We spent five days in a little cabin by a lake at Mammoth Lakes, so I missed the first day of the fall session class of my painting class. I'll probably be painting some scenes from our trip in the near future, but I needed something to paint for the second week of my class, and I chose a photo of our cat, Sunny, on one of the patio chairs in our back yard. She spends much of her day there, keeping a eye on the birds and sleeping. Sunny was a feral cat at the barn where we used to board our horses. We adopted her about 6 years ago, and it took lots of time for her to get used to living with us, but now she is very relaxed and affectionate. I wanted to focus my painting on her rather than the background, so I let it fade to white paper around the edges. I had never tried that before, but I think it worked out quite well.

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