We frequently go out for a ride/hike from the barn where Zim lives. Maureen rides and I walk, and we often go with our friend, Judy, on her horse, Mu Mu. We almost always go on the same trail which is officially the Goldenrod Trail, but everyone at the barn calls it the Water Tower Trail, because it goes past a large water tank. It winds along a wooded hillside with lots of nice views. I especially like one spot where there are lots of big mossy rocks. One day soon after a rainstorm, I came around this bend to see this scene all wet and sparkly and I took a photo. Later I decided to paint it, but it seemed to need something more, so I inserted Maureen and Zim from another photo.
On our trip to the desert last May, we were on our way from Darwin to our motel in Lone Pine and the sky was putting on a great show. We stopped several times for photos. I liked this scene for the clouds and light, and just to add a bit more interest I inserted the shapes of several wild burros from another photo. There are burros all over the Death Valley area and they seemed to fit here.
We spent a few days in Santa Fe last October with our friends, Greg and Nancy. Greg really wanted to take us to eat at one of his favorite places, Cafe Pascual, near the plaza. It is a popular place and was quite busy, so we had to wait a while to get a table, but the food was very good. I took a photo outside with other people waiting and I thought it made a nice scene typical of Santa Fe.
I felt like doing another scene from Santa Fe. This is the St. Francis Cathedral a block away from the plaza. It's a beautiful building and we found that the interior is just as fascinating.