Monday, June 5, 2023

June 2023

I looked through my photos from our trip to Darwin, and I found one of a beavertail cactus in bloom. It was found on a hike led by cousin Bill up to an old mine in the hills near the town. The intense color of the blossom caught my eye, which especially stands out against the muted colors of the desert landscape.

This is the center of Darwin, the intersection of Darwin Road and Main Street, and the town's only stop sign. The old gas station is kind of picturesque. I painted a view like this many years ago, but I think I did a much better job this time. I think it gives one an idea of what the town is like -- a scattering of shacks a long way from anywhere, but doesn't show the lively community of misfits that it is.

I asked Maureen for a suggestion for a painting subject, and she said maybe something with lots of color. She remembered a little street fair in the town of Ganges on Salt Spring Island in Canada that we visited in September, 2019. I remembered it too and the iPhone image that I shot at the time. I had often thought of trying to paint it, and now it seemed like a good idea. The island is one of our all-time favorite places and this brings back good memories of the several times we have been there.