Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Who needs another blog?

Some time ago, I started a blog just to see how it works and it turned into "East Bay Trails Revisited", which is my recent hiking activity on local trails.  I find it fun to share stuff about hiking, but I am interested about many other things, and a couple of them involve visual images. I've been an amateur photographer for about 60 years now, and I still enjoy making a good photograph. About 25 years ago, I also did watercolor paintings for a few years and then kind of let it die out. Then, last spring, I took a class that got me going again, and I've been painting a lot lately. I thought it might be nice to create another blog to share some of my photos and paintings, and maybe some thoughts about what inspired them.

So, who needs another blog? Probably no one, but on the other hand, who knows what other people might find interesting. I'll just put this out there and see.